Frequency/period meter

This program displays frequency or period of signal on the input of the FMTR module.


The program controls the KSP measurement system with following modules:

 FMTR-710 - frequency/period meter module

 This sytem allows to measure high and low frequency or short and long period with the same precision. This meter is based on the two counters counting input pulses and reference pulses. Base time of counting is selected by software. Real time of counting is synchronized by imput pulses. Input frequencies: 0.0024 Hz to 20 MHz. Higher frequencies than 20 MHz are measured after connecting of a frequency divider on the input. The FMTR-710 module has 7 inputs selected by software.

Features of the program
  • software selecting of frequency or period for displaying
  • software selecting of the input
  • software selecting of measurement precision (4, 5, 6, or 7 digits)

  • Window of the "Frequency/period meter" program

    Used files
    FMETER.EXE - main program file
    FMETER.INI - configuration file
    FMETER.HLP - help file

     FMTR.DLL - driver for the frequency meter module

     The files FMETER.EXE, FMETER.INI, FMETER.HLP are contained in the file FMETER.ZIP.
    The *.DLL file you must download separately.